Outsource Construction Cost Estimation to UR CAD Services for an accurate takeoff that translates into precise scheduling and cost estimation
Outsourcing cost estimating results in accurate takeoffs at an affordable price. We know how to use technology and will offer the finest outsourced takeoff plans by our experienced cost estimators to meet your objectives. Outsource Cost Estimation today.

Construction Cost Estimation Services
URCADServices understands the importance of accuracy when estimating the quantities for your construction project. We offer experienced and efficient construction estimating for projects of any size. Your company requires precise specifications for a unique project and budget. The focused and experienced group of construction estimators working on your estimating project will utilize technology to deliver accuracy and precision to detail. We have the experience reading plans and we also use on-screen quantity takeoff estimators to quickly resolve the needs you have for your time and budget. URCADServices is totally dedicated to the estimating profession and is offering a range of outsourcing construction estimating services. We are well versed in providing complete construction estimate takeoff for Residential, Light Commercial and Industrial Structures for USA, Canada, UK, Australia, and New Zealand.
One of URCADServices's strengths and passions is cost estimating apart from CAD Drafting. We provide independent cost estimate reviews and validation studies for estimates prepared either by owners or their contractors. Our customers have the assurance that they will receive expert estimating services from our knowledgeable professionals. Our experienced cost estimators are committed to providing cost-effective, accurate estimates so that higher value project results are achieved.
The benefits of properly estimating the quantities for your project means that your bill of materials will be generated faster to develop a bid. Your current workforce will need to worry about measuring and counting and you can keep your overhead expenditures to a minimum. Our team understands the overall goals of your project development. We have successfully delivered results for several projects for Engineers, General Contractors, and Architects.
Outsource Takeoffs & Bill of Materials
It is very important that bills of materials are prepared according to a standard, widely recognized methodology. This helps avoid any ambiguities or misunderstandings and so helps avoid disputes arising through different interpretations of what has been priced. Bills of materials can be prepared elementally or in works packages, by a process of 'taking off' which involves identifying elements of construction works that can be measured and priced.
The Importance and the major usages of Bill of Materials (BOM) in construction cost estimation:
- Gives a premise to the valuation of variation.
- Provides the basic idea of the project by giving the quantities to tenderers.
- Helps in engaging other contractors and finalize their rates.
- Defines the extent of the work.
- Gives evaluated or expected contract value.
In construction estimating, bills of quantities are normally only prepared on larger projects. On smaller projects, or for alteration work the contractor can be expected to measure their own quantities from drawings and schedules of work. Schedules of work are 'without quantities' instructional lists that allow the contractor to identify significant work and materials that will be needed to complete the works and to calculate the quantities that will be required. The cost estimating services goes through four phases including preliminary, conceptual, schematic and detailed estimation services. In the case of the construction activities, detailed estimation is the ideal way of Estimating construction costs. It is necessary to calculate the estimate of the cost used on the materials. Our cost estimators keep an account of the estimate of the various types of material, its size, and various other features. The production of various processes carried out is also taken into account. Hence the final cost estimate prepared shall include even the minute expenses on every aspect.
We are providing Quantity Takeoff Services to General Contractors and Sub-Contractors for the following major works of construction:
Facade Restoration
Shop Drawings
Residential & Commercial Remolding
Condominiums Restoration
New Construction
Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Sitework, etc.
Sidewalk Repairs
We are also providing Single Item Estimates including
Masonry & CMU
Drywall, Partition, Framing & Carpentry
Painting & Wall Finishes
Structural Works
Excavation & Site Work
MEP Works
Shop Drawings

Benefits of outsourcing construction cost estimation services:
- Highly skilled and experienced team of engineers
- Cost-effective solutions
- Customized services
- Takeoff is prepared carefully
- Precision in work that provides a high success rate
- The quick turnaround time that ensures timely delivery
- 100% customer satisfaction
- Use us only when you need us and yay us only when you use us
- Manage the peaks and valleys of your estimating workload
- Bid more - get more
- Spend more time pricing your labor correctly than counting bricks
There are several benefits when you outsource construction cost estimation to URCADservices. Our team offers a diverse range of outsourcing construction estimating and quantity take-off services to our clients from a variety of sector base including retail, real estate, commercial, residential construction, institutional, petrochemical, etc. We have set-up a simple process for our clients to benefit during their rush hours. All they need to do is send us the drawings in CAD or PDF format, specifications, and bills of quantities. We’re able to revert with the full set of quantitative measurements as per requirement. Increasingly, software packages are available to assist in the preparation of bills of quantities, and building information modeling systems can be used to produce bills of quantities from information already contained within the model. Outsource quantity take-off services to UR CAD Services and get accurate quantities.
Quantity Take-off Services
The bill of quantities is issued to tenderers for them to prepare a price for carrying out the works. The bill of quantities assists tenderers in the calculation of construction costs for their tender, and, as it means all tendering contractors will be pricing the same quantities (rather than taking-off quantities from the drawings and specifications themselves), it also provides a fair and accurate system for tendering.
Bills of quantities are normally only prepared on larger projects. On smaller construction estimating projects, or for alteration work the contractor can be expected to measure their own quantities from drawings and schedules of work. We accept quantity take-off on a project basis, contract basis. No long term commitment required. By outsourcing quantity take-off services, our clients save more time and are more competitive, thereby their increase efficiency; When you outsource quantity take-off services, you can assign your important resources to concentrate on your core business activities. Read more on the benefits of outsourcing quantity take-offs here.
Most of the contractors are always facing hard times during the tendering process as they have limited time on preparing the tender and are desperate for time to submit before tender closure. Outsource construction estimating including tedious take-off work and save money. By outsourcing quantity take-off, your staff can focus on the essential tendering activities. The cost estimating services goes through four phases including preliminary, conceptual, schematic and detailed estimation services. Outsource quantity take-offs today and benefit from our experience.
By outsourcing cost estimation services to UR CAD Services, our clients:
Get a full quantities breakdown of all materials
Can view 2D and 3D building model
Can use the data and information for proper resource planning
Get benefitted by our quantity takeoff services by making the planning of material requirements easier

More on benefits of outsourcing
Why outsource Construction Cost Estimation to us?
98% Guaranteed Accurate Quantities
More Bids More Business
We are aiming to cut down 50% of your estimation budget
On-Time Estimates With Backup Calculations
Detail Estimates With Line Items.
In today's business environment, few owner companies can afford to staff large cost estimating and project controls departments and therefore rely on engineering and construction contractors to supply a large portion of these needs. In many cases, owners are contemplating outsourcing cost estimating and cost engineering functions. Our cost estimation team offers the most accurate quantity take-off services and assist you in all aspects of your construction cost estimation project until it is completed. UR CAD Services is totally dedicated to the estimating profession. Our customers have the assurance that they will receive expert estimating services from our knowledgeable professionals. Outsource construction cost estimation to UR CAD Services today and benefit from our experience contact us today.